Related Links at Amerimmune Clinic in McLean VA, Alexandria VA, Arlington VA, Bethesda MD, Gaithersburg MD, and Rockville MD
Explore related links at Amerimmune Clinic for valuable resources on allergy and immunology treatments, patient care, and research advancements. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We serve patients from McLean VA, Alexandria VA, Arlington VA, Bethesda MD, Gaithersburg MD, and Rockville MD.

American Medical Association: Research Letter: Prevalence of Immunosuppression Among US Adults 2013
JAMA Network: Discriminative Accuracy of Plasma Phospho-tau217 for Alzheimer Disease vs Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
Inflammasome activation linked to T-cell dysregulation and poor outcomes in comorbid COVID-19 patients, according to MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute led study. Study data may explain why COVID-19 patients with clinically recognized predisposing factors like obesity, diabetes, liver, kidney and heart disease have more severe disease
The clinical utility of basophil activation testing in diagnosis and monitoring of allergic disease
Immune Dysfunction in Refractory Sinusitis in a Tertiary Care Setting
Immunologic Aging in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: Does Infant Sternotomy Matter?
Cardiovascular abnormalities in primary immunodeficiency diseases
Antibiotic resistance in patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders versus immunocompetent patients
Chronic Rhinosinusitis—Could Phenotyping or Endotyping Aid Therapy?
High‐ and low‐dose oral immunotherapy similarly suppress pro‐allergic and basophil activation in young children
Evidence of pathway-specific basophil anergy induced by peanut oral immunotherapy in peanut-allergic children
Immune mechanisms of oral immunotherapy
Suppression of the immunologic response to peanut during immunotherapy is often transient
Immunodeficiency in Newborn Infants
Basophil activation test: food challenge in a test tube or specialist research tool?
Utility of basophil activation test for monitoring the acquisition of clinical tolerance after oral desensitization to cow’s milk: pilot study